Maine Addiction Treatment


A Collaborative Diversion Effort Between the Criminal Justice System and ENSO Recovery

Criminal Justice Treatment Referral Form


Please complete entire form.
The fields with red asteriks are required.
When you select "Submit" a copy will be stored in the Cloud and you will receive a summary email and you will have an option to download the file in PDF format when you see the submission successful screen.
All Historical Referral Data is stored in the Cloud and can be downloaded into Excel or CSV format upon request for simplifying Referral Reporting.

Enter town & Dept.
Please Verify Working Number
Enter Name of Individual
Secondary Drugs such as Cocaine, Marijuana, Meth, Benzos
Check all that apply
Amount Consumed per Occaision

Indicate which, if any, of the following have been present during the past 12 month period.

Count all check marks, and place client on the opioid disorder severity scale: Check one.

Add up your check marks and put a check next to one .

After reviewing your answers to my questions, I am concerned that your use of opioids may be negatively affecting your health and I think it would be in your best interest to stop using opioids. On a scale of zero to ten, with zero meaning you are not ready at all to make a change and ten meaning you are ready to make a change now, how ready are you to stop using opioids now?

Check if Yes
Check Box if Yes


1. Please fill in Client's Printed Name & Law Enforcement/Court Officer Printed Name
2. Please fill in Date form completed and signed
3, Submit Form
4. Successful Submission screen will have a Download PDF Link
5. Download, Save and Pr
6. Both Client and Law Enforcement/Court Officer Need to sign document.

This form is the property of ENSO, LLC and may not be copied or reproduced without permission of ENSO, LLC.
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