Recovery Coach Academy of the Kennebunks Trainer
Lori Drescher, Certified Addiction & Family Recovery Coach, CCAR R.C.P.
Lori Drescher is a Certified Addiction Recovery Coach (CARC), Family Recovery Coach, Certified Recovery Coach Trainer, and a parent in long term recovery from the effects of loving and living with an adult child who suffers from chronic addiction illness (substance use disorder). Her son is currently in recovery in PA. Lori has coached families since early 2014, speaks publicly regularly, and advocates across NYS and nationally for improved access to prevention, treatment, and community recovery supports. Her mission is to eradicate the stigma and shame of addiction in families, to empower families to achieve their own recovery, and to advocate for vitally needed community recovery supports. Her professional career includes 25 years of executive and management coaching, training, and experiential learning design.
Lori is a member of the Monroe County Opioid Task Force, the Subcommittee on Overdose Response Review, and co-facilitates NYS Community-based Recovery Supports (CBRS) Committee led by FOR-NY including NYC, Albany and Rochester. She is a member of several addiction and recovery community groups and hopes to help establish a Recovery Community organization (RCO) in the Rochester/Upstate areas.
She started the Recovery Coach University in 2016 and is approved by OASAS and ASAP New York Certification Board to train others in the Recovery Coach Basics (30 hrs), Ethics for Recovery Coaches and Peer Advocates (16 Hrs.) and Medically Assisted Training for RC’s and PA’s (6 Hrs.) Her goal is to train many other aspiring Recovery Coaches and Peer Support Advocates in an effort to bridge the widening gap between addiction treatment and sustained recovery.
Credentials and Advocacy
- Certified Addiction Recovery Coach, CARC: Private practice Family Recovery Coach and Individual Recovery Coach since 2016
- Recovery Coach Professional, RCP: CCAR Deisgnation
- Certified Recovery Coach Trainer, CCAR RCA/OASAS/ASAP NYCB: Train Recovery Coach workshops eligible and approved for NYS CARC (Certified Addiction Recovery Coach) and CRPA (Certified Recovery Peer Advocate) Certification
- Founding Member and Steering Committee Member – GM RCO (Greater Monroe Recovery Community Organization)
- Founding Member – Peer Supervision Best Practices Consortium
- Founding Member – Western NY Recovery Coach & Peer Advocates Community of Practice
- Member – Monroe County Opioid Task Force: Task force includes law enforcement, addiction treatment providers, politicians and family members seeking collaborative solutions for solving the opioid crisis.
- Overdose Response Subcommittee Member
- Law Enforcement Response Subcommittee Member
- Facilitator – Community-Based Recovery Supports Task Force: State Wide Task force for improving and increasing community recovery supports. Bi monthly meetings hosted by FOR-NY; includes groups in Albany, NYC and Rochester
- Instrumental in proposed legislation recently adapted by NYS budget
- Member -Adolescent Clinical Advisory Committee: State wide committee looking at “big picture” treatment issues for adolescents and young adults.
- Steering Committee Leader/Member –Greater Monroe Recovery Community Organization (RCO): A grassroots alliance of individuals and organizations involved in providing recovery supports in the Rochester area
- Team member – Find Your Path – Grassroots Outreach pilot project in Rochester’s open air drug neighborhood.
- Speaker – Frequent key-note speaker and community and school forum panelist/ speaker
- Advocate – Participate in county and state-wide legislative reform and advocacy
- Awards: Families Together NYS: 2015 Advocate of the Year Award