Community Corner

A Place of Compassion … Creativity … Community … Connection
“Everything you were looking for was right there with you all along.”― The Wizard of Oz

Community and Connection are the foundation of Recovery at Enso Recovery.  We created this section, at the bequest of our residents,  to share their Art work,  Personal Testimonies and Articles that they have created while on their path to recovery at Enso. We will be adding a Community News page in the near future.  We call this ” The Community Corner”.

Our Stories Have Power!

Enso Recovery Community Corner
There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about." – Margaret J. Wheatley
Resident’s Articles .
Community News
Art Projects

Resident November Featured Work

Featured Article

I met a man this morning.  At first he didn’t seem approachable.  It appeared as if he had a lot on his mind.  We sat down on a bench to have a conversation.  He told me he had seen a lot of potential in me.  I thought that was a bizarre way to start a conversation. He told me he was very intuitive, and then the conversation took an unexpected turn. He said he carried a lot of pain.  That his past and future thoughts were always in his head.  He told me he regretted most of the choices he had made. He said he wished he had the courage that I did. That he wished he could face his fears the way I did. I then told the man he needed to learn to love himself. To let go of the past and future and focus on today. The biggest thing is to learn to forgive yourself. That no man is perfect. We all make mistakes. I then turned to look at the man. He wasn’t there. I couldn’t believe I had been talking to myself.

Featured Art Work

Enso Resident Art Work-Featured November 20
Sanford Program: Acrylic paint pouring is a fluid painting technique. We used this in order to show how much one drop of paint can create a ripple effect in the entire piece. This is similar to our effect on one another.
Augusta Program: “Imaginative Landscape” paintings created by clients at Enso during an Art Therapy group.
Acrylic on Canvas
Augusta Program: Masks created by Enso clients in response to an Art Therapy directive.
“The mirror does not flatter, it faithfully shows whatever looks into it; namely, the face we never show to the world because we cover it with the persona, the mask of the actor. But the mirror lies behind the mask and shows the true face.” – C.G Jung
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