ENSO Recovery Addiction Treatment, Research & Recovery News
General News
Words matter: language can reduce mental health and addiction stigma, NIH leaders say
WHAT:In a perspective published in Neuropsychopharmacology, leaders from the National Institutes of Health address how using appropriate language to describe mental illness and addiction can help to reduce stigma and improve how people with these [...]
Adolescent marijuana, alcohol use held steady during COVID-19 pandemic
Adolescent marijuana use and binge drinking did not significantly change during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite record decreases in the substances’ perceived availability, according to a survey of 12th graders in the United States. The study’s [...]
Using Alcohol and Marijuana Together Exacerbates Negative Consequences in Young Adults
These studies found that:College students who used marijuana and alcohol simultaneously experienced more negative consequences than those who used both substances sequentially. College students who used both substances sequentially reported more negative consequences than those [...]
Economic Modeling Shows Optimal HIV-Reduction Interventions Depend on the Location
This study reported that:The optimal combination of 16 evidence-based interventions to reduce new HIV cases differs among six U.S. cities. Scaling up city-specific optimal interventions to reach 90 percent of the population would reduce new [...]
Study links structural brain changes to behavioral problems in children who snore
WHAT:A large study of children has uncovered evidence that behavioral problems in children who snore may be associated with changes in the structure of their brain’s frontal lobe. The findings support early evaluation of children [...]
Hearing on Cannabis Policies for the New Decade
Chairwoman Eshoo, Ranking Member Burgess, and members of the Subcommittee, thank you for inviting the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to participate in this hearing. [...]
Marijuana and America’s Health: Questions and Issues for Policy Makers
Watch the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control hearingChairman Cornyn, Co-Chairwoman Feinstein and members of the Caucus on International Narcotics Control, we appreciate the opportunity to share the content of the recent Surgeon General’s Advisory [...]
Opioid Dose Variability Associated with Overdose
As health care providers lower opioid doses for pain patients to minimize the risk of addiction; increase doses to manage worsening pain; or re-start dosing after a period of time without opioid pain relievers, patients [...]
Opioids without the risk of addiction?
Scientists are working to develop medicines that have the pain-relieving effects of opioids without the high risk of misuse and addiction. Since misuse is linked to the euphoric effects of the drug, investigators led by [...]
Dr. Jack Stein appointed NIDA Chief of Staff
Jack B. Stein, Ph.D. Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), has appointed Jack B. Stein, Ph.D., to be the NIDA Chief of Staff, a newly created position to support [...]
- Reported drug use among adolescents continued to hold below pre-pandemic levels in 2023
- Reported drug use among adolescents continued to hold below pre-pandemic levels in 2023
- Overdose deaths increased in pregnant and postpartum women from early 2018 to late 2021
- Overdose deaths increased in pregnant and postpartum women from early 2018 to late 2021
- Los suicidios por sobredosis de drogas aumentaron entre los jóvenes, las personas mayores y las mujeres negras, a pesar de la tendencia general decreciente
- Los suicidios por sobredosis de drogas aumentaron entre los jóvenes, las personas mayores y las mujeres negras, a pesar de la tendencia general decreciente
- Suicides by drug overdose increased among young people, elderly people, and Black women, despite overall downward trend
- Los suicidios por sobredosis de drogas aumentaron entre los jóvenes, las personas mayores y las mujeres negras, a pesar de la tendencia general decreciente
- Suicides by drug overdose increased among young people, elderly people, and Black women, despite overall downward trend
- Suicides by drug overdose increased among young people, elderly people, and Black women, despite overall downward trend
- La conexión social, el sueño y la actividad física se asociaron con una mejor salud mental entre los jóvenes durante la pandemia de COVID-19
- La conexión social, el sueño y la actividad física se asociaron con una mejor salud mental entre los jóvenes durante la pandemia de COVID-19
- La conexión social, el sueño y la actividad física se asociaron con una mejor salud mental entre los jóvenes durante la pandemia de COVID-19
- La conexión social, el sueño y la actividad física se asociaron con una mejor salud mental entre los jóvenes durante la pandemia de COVID-19
- Social connectedness, sleep, and physical activity associated with better mental health among youth during the COVID-19 pandemic
ENSO Recovery News
Fear, Loathing and Fentanyl Exposure
By The Editorial Board : NY Times April 4, 2019 As baseless public health scares go, the one about police officers and nurses purportedly overdosing from passive fentanyl exposure should have been easy [...]
In Most States, Insurance Won’t Cover Addiction Treatments
March 28, 2019, at 4:00 p.m. More In Most States, Insurance Won't Cover Addiction Treatments BY ROBERT PREIDT, HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, March 28, 2019 (HealthDay News) -- In a finding that brings bad news as [...]
ENSO Recovery Founder to Present at 3rd World Congress Opioid Management Summit
ADDRESS THE GROWING OPIOID EPIDEMIC THROUGH IMPROVED OPIOID MANAGEMENT ACROSS THE HEALTH SYSTEM - February 26 - 27th, 2019 - Washington DC Clinical leaders at hospitals and health systems across the country are implementing [...]
Mills taps former Portland police chief for Maine’s Department of Public Safety
Mills taps former Portland police chief for Maine’s Department of Public Safety The incoming Democratic governor has also picked Randy Liberty to head the Maine Department of Corrections. BY SCOTT THISTLESTAFF WRITER Gov.-elect [...]
Where Have All the Flowers Gone? A Taxonomy of The Impact of Moralism
"All legislation represents the morality of a society and until we as a society recognize that we cannot legislate morality, the so called “Drug War” will continue to decimate our most vulnerable." ~ [...]
WGAN Job Fair Interviews
Southern Maine Recovery Workforce Job Fair Radio Interviews October 11, 2018 at the Portland Expo Timothy Cheney, Founder and CEO of Enso Recovery speaks with Spencer & Phil [...]
Recovery Coach Training Academy of the Kennebunks
Above Board – All Hands on Deck and the Kennebunk Police Department join Forces with ENSO Recovery to Combat Maine’s Opioid Epidemic by launching the Kennebunk Recovery Coach Academy in January 2019. Recovery coaches [...]
Why Everything About the Trump Administration’s New Opioid Video Campaign Is Wrong
BY SARAH BELLER OCTOBER 24, 2018 Why Everything About the Trump Administration’s New Opioid Video Campaign Is Wrong Anew campaign—from the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy [...]
Maine jail launches first-of-its-kind program to offer inmates chance at recovery
“I have no idea what's awaiting me, or what will happen when this all ends. For the moment I know this: there are sick people and they need curing.” ― Albert Camus, The Plague [...]
York County Sheriff’s Office partners with recovery group on opioid treatment for inmates
The federally funded pilot program, which will treat up to 10 people, is part of a broader effort to pair prisoners with medication assisted treatment, such as Suboxone. The York County Sheriff’s Office and [...]